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Cheap hotels in madinah, Near Masjid Nabwi

When people Search for cheap hotels in Madinah, It shows they are on tight budget and looking for some budget deals to book their accommodation in Madinah. Don’t worry our team is here to help you in making a reasonable umrah package on very limited budget and deliver you best value of your money.

Bellow is a list of cheap hotels in Madinah

Dar ul Eimaan Uhud Hotel

This hotels is close to gate 6, and very reasonable to stay. This hotel is a decent 3 Star hotel and price is very reasonable. Room are wide enough and clean. This property belongs to one of larger hotels chain in Saudi Arabia. Perfect Umrah is one of their top three agents.

Dar ul Eimaan Al-Nour Hotel

This hotels is also a very decent choice for being a close proximity from Masjid Nabwi and also a very reasonable price.

Dyar Al-Madinah Hotel

This is also close and price is also very good.

Mukhtar Golden Hotel

Very reasonably priced hotel near Masjid Nabwi

Elaf Meshal Al-Madinah

A 4 Star hotel property with very good price

Note: We have listed only very limited properties here, you can feel free to speak to our team for more options we do have even cheaper options as well. You can also click on map above and check distances and prices of lot of properties on

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